PART TWO – What is light language? Nobody explains it better than Lara Jaye, Reiki Master/Teacher and Light Language Transmitter. In this episode, she joins Tanya Memme in a conversation about light language, the original language of oneness. Get to know Lara’s work with executives in the corporate world as she talks about her journey and how this all came about. Through Lara and her work, understand how angels are able to channel and move healing energy as they dive into how it has helped Lara and countless others with Lara as a transmitter. Tune in and learn the power of light language and let yourself be healed.
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Lara Jaye – Light Language Transmitter/ Reiki Master/ Creator Of The Light Language Academy
The Healing Power Of Light Language
Here we are back with another episode. I have someone who I adore that I work with. Lara Jaye is here again. I have your episode and it got so much attention on YouTube. You know that because I’ve been telling you that. I wanted you to come back for part two. What you do is so beautiful and meaningful. I met you, and I’ve been working with you during some of the hardest times of my life. You’ve helped make a difference with me.
Because you’re a part of my life and I do believe in everything that you do, I wanted to have you on the show again so that you can explain what you do. You use light language. From what I know, light language is an ancient form of communication where you’re not using your rational mind. It’s a language that has been around for thousands of years. You can explain it better.
I call it the language of oneness because when we were all one, it was the language that we spoke to each other. My guides and angels have told me it’s a combination of over 60 different languages. I only know English and a couple of words in Spanish that probably shouldn’t be repeated. That’s all I know. When I’m channeling, they’re channeling through me these words. They’re not just words. They’re power. They’re multi-dimensional.
People are like, “Can you translate it for me?” I’m like, “I can, but if we want to take up time in your session and do that, then you are going to get less because there are so many.” The words are coming in through my voice and feeling my body. All of the time the words are coming in, I’m seeing images. I’m hearing them speak to me. I’m feeling them. All the sensors are being activated.
One word on light language might have a bunch of different dimensions to it. To be able to take that one word and then explain it and what it’s clearing, what it’s doing, or what it’s healing takes a little bit of time. It depends on what we’re doing. If we’re asking for a blessing, then that’s different. I can easily translate things like that. For me, it’s so powerful. I’ve never seen anything move energy like light language before.
It’s interesting because I know there are people out there, including myself when I first met you, that are skeptical.
I was skeptical at first.
It’s a little bit weird. I didn’t understand it. I’m like, “Is this for real?” Whenever you do a session with me, it’s so crazy that my whole body starts buzzing every time you start speaking in this language. We’re not even in the same room because you do it on the phone when you call in. I don’t know what that’s about, but it’s buzzing like crazy. We’re going to do an example of what you would do for clients and what you do for me.
The other thing too is you tell me stuff about myself that I knew, but I didn’t know. You see visions of my future. Whenever we do a session together, it’s amazing how dead on you are. You’re so intuitive. You’ve helped me make decisions, whether it’s business decisions or decisions with my life. I always feel so much better whenever I get off the phone with you. I know you’re not making it up. It flows out of you. You tap into my guides too. You’ve been able to ask questions that I’m not able to ask.
When I set it up, I’m talking to my guides and angels and I’m calling in yours. For me, I use God, divine, mother, father, creator, the top person, dog, mother, father, it, universal energy, and then bring all of them in. As we set up before we started recording, it was important to me to bring them in and call them in, and clear any distraction or distortion energies, and anything that was coming against what’s trying to get through here to help people. At the same time, it’s always for the highest and the best for whatever the information is. Often, if it’s information that I don’t want to tell you like there were a couple of times where I was like, “I don’t know if I want to tell you, but this is what’s coming through that your guides want you to know.”
You told me.
I speak it but I’m like, “Are you ready to hear this?” I remember that first session. You were like, “I don’t like that. That isn’t what I want.” Do you remember that?
I don’t even remember exactly what it was you told me.
It was timing on the first show or the show that it would stop. Do you remember that? That was what was coming through.
You said it was going to come back and then stop.
Yeah, stop abruptly. It was the COVID thing. It was during the pandemic. They weren’t showing me the pandemic but I was like, “This is what they’re showing me for you.” We all have this power. You have this power. The key is we’re all intuitive. The key is what are you working on each day? Do you want to be intuitive? Do you even want to hear? I work with clients who know they’re intuitive but they don’t want to see. They don’t want to see ghosts. They don’t want to see the spirits. They don’t want to hear them. They don’t want to see dead people. I’m like, “You can shut all that down.” That’s where most of us come in where we’re all shut down. We get to decide, do we even want to open up again or open up at all?
I’ve talked to you about this too. I’m writing a book right now. I’m working on channeling. I have done it in front of a camera before where it flows and then I was like, “What did I say? I don’t even remember any of it.” I want to learn how to do it intentionally. Do you work with clients to teach them how to channel their own way?
Yes, whether they’re verbal or auto-writing. I learned this many years ago. I started with auto-writing. I love that piece. It all starts with the prayers and the intentions before you sit down or as you’re sitting down in front of the computer. You start small. You ask one question. You call in your guides and angels. You get clarity. You get rid of the distraction and distortion energies so that you have that clarity and you have that focus. You start feeling their energy and you call in whoever your main guide is, then we start calling them in.
It's all within us. We all know what is best. Click To TweetOne of the caveats to this, and I’m finding this a lot, is that we all have had a lot of lifetimes. We’ve had a lot of guides and angels. Sometimes, they’re not all on board with what you are doing. They can disagree in the spirit world because you have a great grandma who loves you so much and is trying to lead you down in a different direction. She might be kicking your head angel and saying, “I’m going to talk first,” so that’s what you hear.
I’m doing a lot of six months of coaching and teaching people how to do this stuff for themselves. One of the main things that I do when I start working with someone, especially when we’re in coaching, is we get clear on who their spirit team is. Who is your spirit team? Are they in unison? Are they in agreement? Are you getting all of these mixed messages? It is huge to start with that. Like our friends are in the physical, you’re always going to have people who maybe don’t see the bigger vision for your life. It’s okay. You still love them, but they don’t need to be talking in your ear every day. It’s the same in the spirit world.
I’m a big believer that it’s all within us. We know what is best for us.
We all do. That’s what my new book is about that I’m writing. You said it.
That’s nice. It’s about knowing.
The new book is called Adventures of a Lonely Soul: Finding Meaning and Purpose Within. Everything is within us, and the security too. I want to talk about the rocky world. We’re not going to find that meaning and purpose in a job. We are not going to find it in a normal job, normal life, going out, or on TV. If anything, it’s going to create a more toxic environment. We have to shut that stuff off, get to know ourselves inside, and look within. We all have the answers within.
I’m in my 50s. I started in that chapter of my life. A lot of my friends are trying to find something more out of life. They’re like, “I’ve been doing this job for so long. I don’t want to do it anymore,” or they’re being let go. There are so many changes that have happened in the workplace with social media and the computer age. Our generation is lost. A lot of my female friends are out of work or looking for the next thing in life, including myself. I’m in a pivot stage, but this is the first time I’m excited about it.
I love that. How do we find our next step? When you’re sitting in the spot where you’re not seeing anything and you’re not happy where you’re at so you’re stuck, what do you do? I know you called me.
I’ve been in that situation twice. One was when I hit rock bottom and I called you. The second time, I was like, “There was light at the end of the tunnel, but it still wasn’t making sense,” then I called you. Now I’m in a pivot, but I’m excited about it. There’s a direction I’m going in. I can’t talk about it yet publicly, but it’s very exciting. Lots of things are shifting. It’s going to be a great thing. I told you about it before we started.
I love that. I’m so excited for you. We will keep it quiet until then. I do want to speak to that when you’re feeling stuck. I hear that from clients all the time. They’re like, “I am so stuck. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I know I don’t want to do what I’m doing. I want to pivot. I want to do something different, but where do I go? What do I do?” That’s what I hear from a lot of people and from a lot of clients. The most important thing is to take that time, get quiet, and go within. Get to know yourself. It’s that self-awareness piece. If we don’t have that, we can’t put in our order to the universe what we even want.
It’s not that we want to put in an order for a steak. We want the nutrition from the steak. We want to feel good from it. Whatever it is the order that we’re going to put in or whatever it is that we’re desiring, it’s all of those feelings. That’s a whole manifesting. That’s a whole other topic. We can talk about that at another time or later. The key is all we need to know is to get to know ourselves and ask to be shown our next step.
One of the things I do every morning is say this prayer. This has helped me stay focused on my train track. We all need to stay in our own lanes. At the same time, I know we’re all pivoting and crisscrossing. My prayer each morning is, “I let go of everything that isn’t divinely designed for my highest potential and highest destiny, and the perfect plan for my life comes to pass with ease and grace.” How cool is that?
I don’t have to know. I don’t have to worry. I know that God the Creator is going to take care of getting rid of that stuff in my life that isn’t part of my path or isn’t on my train track. I don’t have to worry about it. It might be taken from me. I might not be happy about it at the moment, but it’s okay. We see it happening. It’s okay because we know that there is something bigger at play. That’s the most important.
It was a seven-year process for me. I talk about it publicly about how I hit that massive rock bottom. I lost everything. The difference between then and now through those seven years, the last eight months of my life have been such a deep dive. I dove right into learning about myself.
It’s that self-awareness piece. You weren’t afraid. I love it.
I’m loving it. It’s making me so happy. I’m discovering who I am and what I want to do moving forward. It took me seven years to get to this point. A part of what I went through is learning to celebrate the past instead of mourning the past. It’s learning to let go of your attachments to your job, accolades, and titles. I had to let go of all of that. I’m on a bazillion networks with Sell This House and with Smart Home Nation, but I’m not filming anymore. Sell This House is probably coming to an end, and that’s okay. I wasn’t ready to let any of that go a couple of years ago.

Light Language: We all have this power. We’re all intuitive. The key is what are you working on each day? Do you want to be intuitive? Do you even want to hear?
You were dead set like, “This is what I want.”
I want my career back, and it came back. Here I am going, “I’m away from my daughter for four months. There are a lot of sacrifices. The business isn’t the same. The money is not the same. I’m not making as much as I used to. I’m not flying like I used to.”
You’re different. You wanted more for your life. You wanted something with more meaning and more fulfillment for your heart and soul. That’s why it didn’t fit anymore.
With Sell This House, I’m helping people around the US sell their homes. I had meaning, but at the same time, I’m 51 years old. I’m aging out of this business. If I do another show again, that’s awesome. If I don’t, that’s awesome. It’s okay. I had to let it go and celebrate all of my accomplishments and then move forward and discover what that new chapter is.
The most amazing thing about being in this position is that you can create anything you want, but you have to let go of the identity of your past. That’s what I struggled with for seven years. It is an amazing company. They’re amazing to me. Who knows? Maybe there’s another show down the road or maybe there’s not. It’s okay.
That’s the space we need to get to. It’s okay either way. Let it go. A lot of that stuff feeds our ego. It’s part of it. I get it. I had keys to the church and taught all the Bible studies. I was there six days a week. I had keys to a huge public school where I was the PR director back in Indiana. It was gut-wrenching to be able to hand over these keys and go, “I’m giving all this up.” People were like, “Why?” I was like, “I have no idea. I know I’m being led to a different spot.” First, you got to pull all that stuff out. Let it out and let it go. We can then regroup, look at it and go, “What piece of that is still a big part of me?”
Even with this show, I get to say what I want to say, wear what I want to wear and be who I want to be. It’s all amazing stuff. You’ve helped me. You were part of that process. Over the last eight months, I dove right into plant medicine. I did ayahuasca eight times, but with real shamans from Colombia.
You were well taken care of.
I did some psilocybin journeys with shamans as well. The thing is going to the right people. There is a lot of bad stuff out there. People are using it in the wrong ways too. I have completely done a 180 with myself. I feel I’m at a very happy point in my life. It’s going down that deep dive of booking a session with you and trying different things. I’m going to a yoga retreat in Mexico for two weeks for meditation and yoga to get my training. I don’t want to be a full-on yogi, but I want to become certified.
You never know.
Why not? Let’s go discover life.
That’s what it’s about. We have to go in these different directions and try different things to find out who we are and what we even like. You may go and find out you hate yoga. I highly doubt that. I know you do it and I do it. I love it. You might find there’s a piece of it you like or you don’t like, and then you’re like, “I’m going to keep doing this moving forward.” We talked about sound bowls. There are so many different spiritual tools out there that can help you move your needle further in self-awareness, getting to know yourself, and what brings you joy.
That’s what we’re all looking for. We want to be happy. We want joy, but we got to know ourselves. We got to know ourselves so well and know our triggers. We got to know if people are poking us. It’s not to just get mad and yell at people but to look at, “Why am I bothered by this?” You’re taking that deep dive. It’s not like this spiritual work anymore, especially for the next level. It’s not like going to get a massage and they do all the work. There is work. You book a session, but you do this work in between.
I spend four hours each morning on my own self-care and meditation. That’s not even the workout and yoga, and then I’m working. My whole life has changed. In the past, it was twelve hours at a job or more and taking care of the kids. We live in a chaotic world. It’s getting more chaotic. The more light that’s turned on, the more darkness we see. We see more chaos. We may need to stay home more. We might need to do more self-care, and that’s okay.
I look at it this way too. If you are miserable in your life, open your mind. Don’t judge yourself. Because you’re using light language, you’re like, “That sounds weird,” or “Sound bowls don’t work,” or whatever you’re doing isn’t working right now, so you might as well try something else. That’s how I look at it. The lower you go to your rock bottom, that’s what breaks away all those barriers. Finally, you come to a point where you’re like, “Nothing else I’ve tried is working. Let’s try this other realm or this other world that I’ve been so judgmental toward.”
People don’t think that the spiritual world really heals, the sound bowls, meditation, even art painting, being an artist, chanting, or listening to light language. It has changed my life tremendously in so many ways. I’m so excited about this new journey that I’m about to go on in this next chapter of my life. It took me seven years of not wanting to make that change and sitting in it and fighting it.
Get to know yourself and be asked to be shown your next step. Click To TweetThat’s what we did. You were like, “I don’t want to do that.”
I was like, “Why should I listen to light language? That’s not going to help.”
You were like, “What the heck is a sound bowl or a crystal going to do? That’s so silly.”
If whatever you’re doing isn’t working and you hate your life, go and expand your mind.
That’s the key. We have to let go of our judgments and our ego to be able to even see that while there is more out there than the normal five senses, there is a sixth sense. We all have it but it’s scary. When you first open it up, it’s scary as heck. Many years ago, I was completely bedridden. I started to go out to meditation in this meditation group. That’s when I heard the light language. It’s not something you learn. You’re activated to it. It’s a remembrance.
I teach people and activate them to it. I run a Light Language Academy twice a year. I have one coming up in October. You should be in it. I’ll let you know. You’ll be able to find that on my website. You activate people to the light language. When I started doing it, my biggest fear was that I would break out in light language at the grocery store. I would embarrass my high school boys. I didn’t understand what was happening but I speak it, hand-sign it, and write it. I also started painting it. Other people dance it and do other things with it. They’re light codes from whoever it is that you are channeling the highest of the highest. Sometimes, they’re galactic light codes. They have power and energy in them to help you clear and feel better.
If I took your academy in October, does that mean that you’re going to teach me how to channel?
Yes. I’m going to teach you how to channel and I’m going to activate you to light language. We do whole sections on basic intuition, how to combine all of this, and how to use light language in your daily life. My whole thing with light language is it doesn’t make any sense if I just go around speaking it and there’s no purpose or meaning to it. I’m always very particular about, first of all, who I’m channeling. We talk a lot about having boundaries with people in our lives, but in the spirit world too because the dark can get in that way. We talk a lot about how to protect yourself and what you are bringing in and that kind of thing. We’re going to do all of that at the Light Language Academy.
That’s beautiful. I might have to do that.
That would be fun. It’s all online. It’s for four weeks and it’s every other week. You need the integration time in between and the time to practice on your own. We then come together. I’ve run it once. We’re running it a second time. It’s fabulous. Some people wanted to hand sign it. Other people were into painting it, which I love. I didn’t get anybody dancing it yet, but you never know. Maybe they didn’t want to do it on screen.
It’s fascinating to be able to take the light language and then where to use it. I use it in my everyday life all day long. I woke up to a tough phone call from my son. Something not great had happened in his life. Immediately, I support him. How do I help him? I go into prayer and light language. It’s a reset, support, prayer, and healing. You can use it anywhere anytime.
We are going to do a little session here.
Yes, we are.
I want to show you what she does and how powerful it is. You know I’m pivoting and I’m going in a new direction. People are going to come to you with this, so let’s show them a little bit about what that would be like. If you call upon my spirit guides or when you do, I would love for you to ask them for any information I need to know now.
We’re going to do this for you and then also for everybody else, but the information that comes through, I’m going to be clear that it’s for you. We’ll do that. That sounds good. How long do I have?
We’ve been doing it for 28 minutes, but take your time.

Light Language: We have to go in different directions and try different things to find out who we are.
We are going to take a couple of deep breaths and feel our bodies. I like to put one hand on my heart chakra and one down my stomach. Take a deep breath, hold that and blow out. It’s important that we honor our bodies. We are these beautiful spiritual beings in a physical masterpiece that needs taking care of. I’m calling in all of our guides, angels, creator of the universe, and creator of each and every one of us for only the highest and the best, highest, highest, highest, holiest, holiest.
I’m specifically asking for Tanya’s guides to speak to me with clarity and focus. I’m asking that we clear all distraction and distortion energies and bring in only clarity and focus for her and anyone in this now or in the future. I’m asking if they’re feeling stuck or whatever energy it is that is keeping them stuck, that that is released if they’re ready to release it, but that it’s released and sent back to the source to be transmuted back to love. Energy can never be destroyed, but it can always be moved, transmuted, and turned into something else. That’s what we’re doing now.
You might have stuck energies on you. They might be yours or someone else’s. It doesn’t matter. You’re still responsible for them. We’re going to honor those and send them love. Everything we do is in love. Take another deep breath. To everyone here, I want you to feel into your body now. Is there anything that is pinging? Do you feel a tightness somewhere? I feel a lot of head, neck and shoulders. There is a lot of stress in that area. Someone’s left-hand side of their stomach area or solar plexus, there’s stuck energy in there. The heart chakras that are closed down, we’re going to open those up. For any stuck energy in anyone’s aura, all that is going to be released with our light language.
Watch your body. We’re going to send that area that you’re focused on with love. I want you to observe with no judgment. Observe it in love. That’s light language. They’re showing me. It’s cleaning, clearing, and balancing all your chakras from front and back. It’s opening up the crown chakras and the third eye. It’s making sure everything is connected and balanced so that you feel very grounded yet connected to spirit.
I’m asking for each and every person here that their own spirit guide, angel or creator shows them a vision if that’s how they see intuitively or if they feel, know or hear. Whatever the easiest way for them to get information is, I ask that their guide gives them some nuggets about their next step. Whatever that is, help them to see it, hear it, feel it or know it.
Tap into that for a moment. Feel your body wrapped in a blanket of love. Anything that isn’t love, joy, peace or gratitude, any energy that is not of that, feel it and see it leave your energy field. [light language]. Go back to the source and never return. Come back into focus in your solar plexus or stomach area. This is your power center. I want you to envision the chakra moving clockwise strongly. This is your power center or your self-esteem. It’s how you show up in the world. Feel it growing, moving, and clearing anything that you don’t need moving forward.
Feel the strength and the power of who you are, each and every one of you. Feel the activation and the remembrance of anything that you may have forgotten that it’s time for you to remember. I see light bulbs lighting up in people’s auras. Take a deep breath. Bring all of that into your body. Feel the light codes dancing in your energy field. Feel that electricity. Know that you got exactly what you needed now. You may not have felt anything or seen anything, and that’s okay. It doesn’t matter. What matters is to trust that you got exactly what you needed and that it will unfold over the coming week. Take a deep breath. Come back into your bodies. Feel that difference. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and I’ll answer Tanya’s questions.
I’m glad you did it for everyone. I didn’t even know you could do that. That was beautiful.
I did it for everybody, but ask me the question again. I didn’t want to bring that into the meditation.
You know the changes I’m going through, but I wanted you to ask my guides if there’s anything I need to know moving forward. Are there any nuggets of information they want me to know?
Immediately, they’re showing me a contract. They want to make sure that your I’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed and that you read it very carefully. They’re showing me 1 or 2 sentences in there that may not sit right with you. That’s important to be able to make sure it energetically and contractually aligns with who you are as a person. It may not be right away but it will. I feel like if you see it, you can ask the question and they would shift it. They would change it right away. It’s a boilerplate for them, but those 1 or 2 lines in the contract may not be right for you.
Moving in this new direction, there will be a contract that comes up and I should go through it.
It’s going to work out great. Nobody’s trying to hose you. It’s a boilerplate for them but for you, it’s 1 or 2 things that might not sit right with you or you might have to tweak a little bit. That’s it. Your guides and angels are so excited. Usually, they show me people on a train or how the train is. Is it side-swiped? What’s the train doing on the track? You’re on this fast-track subway like one of those in Europe. Have you seen those? Have you been on one of those?
It’s those nice chic ones.
It’s a fast track. It is moving very fast, but you’re ready for this. They want you to know that everything you need is coming right to you. The train is able to stop fast enough and get slow enough for everything you need to be put on the train for you as you go. Don’t worry about the pace. Just go for it. Your train is not derailed.
You never told me my train is derailed, but you did say there are going to be a few bumps. You used to tell me too, “For some people, I could see the train moving fast and they’re ready but you’re not.” You used to always say, “you’re not quite ready yet.” It wasn’t time. Is it time?
It's really important that we honor our bodies. We are these beautiful spiritual beings in a physical masterpiece that needs taken care of. Click To TweetIt’s time.
I’ll keep everybody out there posted. I’ll keep you posted. Thank you for that information.
I want to say the reason it’s time is that you put this work into it. They keep showing me back to you took the time each day. When people say, “I don’t have time,” even five minutes of meditation is going to change your life every morning. Would you not agree?
Yeah. I did my hike and stopped at the top of the mountain to meditate. I do take the time. I used to say, “I don’t have the time.” I had to learn to say no to a lot of other things. That is where the gold lies. It’s in saying no.
We gain that time and the energy back for ourselves.
That was beautiful. My body’s always buzzing whenever you use light language. It’s a beautiful language. It feels so grandmotherly. It’s coming from a different source. It’s this high-resonating wisdom. I don’t know how to explain it.
That’s a good way. I like that.
It’s someone who’s very wise. I know it’s not necessarily you, but it’s being connected through you.
Depending on who I’m working on or what I’m doing because they give me different things, I usually do see a grandmotherly tribal-type thing. It depends on what we’re doing, who I’m working on, or what healing people need. It’s fascinating to me. I call that particular guide that I channel with light language Lady M. I always see Mother Mary. I always see Lady M. In reality, we’re all one. It doesn’t matter. I call her Lady M because it’s a long name from another planet. I have no idea how to pronounce it. That’s why I call her Lady M.
I love it. I’ll be booking more with you in the future.
I love to always see you.
I’ll let you know how the train goes. I won’t be afraid. If I feel like it’s moving fast, I’ll just jump on and go. That’s what I’m going to do. Thank you again for everything. I can’t wait to get this episode out there.
You’re so wonderful. Spend some time with Lara. Check out her website because there’s so much yumminess there. It’s exploring a whole other side to life. Be open-minded about it because why not?
If they’re not ready to do a session, there are guided light language meditations on there already.
Your meditations are beautiful.

Light Language: Don’t worry about the pace. Just go with. Go for it.
There is one for body healing and for general clearing and things that they can do now. It’s on there.
Thanks again.
Thank you so much.
I’ll be talking to you soon. I’ll keep you posted.
That sounds great.
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About Lara Jaye
I communicate with these energies and show others how to do the same. Hundreds of clients, thousands of meditations, and three books later, I am still in awe of Heaven’s precise, loving guidance.
It doesn’t speak to our heads. Instead, it bypasses our heads (and ego) and goes straight to our hearts. This is the language of our hearts and soul. This is a language that is not understood at the physical level. However, our souls soak up the words and the codes it contains. It is truly LIGHT language. It carries LIGHT from God, our Source. It carries codes and imprints straight from the heavens to all of us for our own healing and many other purposes.
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